
There are many things on our minds as we enter the New Year. For those of you running a business, a question on the forefront of your mind should be: What can we expect from the world of technology in the coming year? Because technology changes so fast these days, it’s important to be ahead of the game and be ready to adapt to changing times. Here is what to expect from the biggest technology trends in 2015:

Continued Need for Network Security

Mobile applications and mobile search adoption and usage continue to drive the need for network security. Smartphone and tablet shipments are expected to outpace traditional desktops during 2015.  With mobile devices on the rise, businesses need to ensure the security of these devices and prevent business networks from being compromised. Network security, endpoint protection, and other IT Security technologies will be a focus for 2015.

The End of Windows Server Support

Although Server 2003 currently accounts for about 20% of total Windows Server installations, on July 14, 2015, all Windows Server 2003 extended support will end. Therefore, companies transitioning from Windows 2003 in the coming year must be prepared for the move. Due to the end of Windows Server support, many small to medium sized businesses are migrating to the Cloud, which offers backups, better security, regulatory compliance, and the comfort of knowing that your company is always up to date without having to continually invest more time and money. Server migrations require a lot of planning and ample forethought, so make sure to do your research well before July 14.

Cloud Adoption on the Rise in 2015

The International Data Corporation estimates that worldwide spending on hosted private cloud services will exceed $24 billion by 2016. Cloud computing is now an essential ingredient of modern IT, so 2015 will continue to see an increase in businesses shifting their computing infrastructure to the Cloud due to the many benefits, including backups, better security, flexibility, and a simpler way to manage applications and data. Due to the dependence on the Cloud, there will also be a larger focus on Cloud security in 2015: Encryption policies, business continuity and disaster recovery capability, and data protection and data integrity.

Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud (aka SMAC)

According to many, we’re moving into a new “digital industrial revolution,” and 2015 will see the more integrated equalizer for small to medium sized businesses through the formula called Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud (SMAC) technology. Today’s customers and employees are expecting a new style of commerce that integrates these four elements, which provides the same anytime, anywhere, and any-device convenience they’re familiar with in their personal lives. Among the greatest advantages of SMAC technology for small businesses include the ability to break geographical boundaries, cost effective marketing solutions, and operation enhancement and better data gathering and processing. Most importantly, SMAC technology helps transform small businesses into one with the equal ability to grow its market share within the digital marketing environment.

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