by clikcloud | Sep 15, 2020 | SMB Technology, Technology News
In our current situation, the ability to work anywhere is even more important. Whether at the office, on the go–or quite commonly these days, at home–unified communications (UC) supports the ability to communicate by voice or email and send information...
by clikcloud | Sep 8, 2020 | SMB Technology, SMB Technology, SMB Technology, SMB Technology, Technology News
Our unusual times have pushed businesses into adoption of cloud computing, the main reason being the increased demand for remote work along with the ability to maintain business operations. Gartner’s prediction for increase in cloud revenue in 2020 was 17%, from...
by clikcloud | Sep 8, 2020 | SMB Technology, Technology News
Our unusual times have pushed businesses into adoption of cloud computing, the main reason being the increased demand for remote work along with the ability to maintain business operations. Gartner’s prediction for increase in cloud revenue in 2020 was 17%, from...
by clikcloud | Aug 17, 2020 | SMB Technology, SMB Technology, SMB Technology, SMB Technology, Technology News
Data breaches have become so common that they are no longer news. Gartner predicts, “as more companies look to benefit from data, there will be an inevitable increase in data use and sharing missteps.” However, organizations that have a culture of ethics for data use...
by clikcloud | Aug 17, 2020 | SMB Technology, Technology News
Data breaches have become so common that they are no longer news. Gartner predicts, “as more companies look to benefit from data, there will be an inevitable increase in data use and sharing missteps.” However, organizations that have a culture of ethics for data use...
by clikcloud | Aug 10, 2020 | SMB Technology, SMB Technology, SMB Technology, SMB Technology, Technology News
While many businesses have already adopted cloud computing to a certain extent, others are still new to the technology. Whether your business is using cloud computing already, or is considering a move, it’s never too soon to develop a strong strategy. Read on to learn...