
This time of year most organizations are looking at 2014.  Analyzing IT trends allows you to budget for the upcoming year, as well as, keep up with the competition.  Reviewing 2014 IT Trends can help ensure your core systems stay up to date and help you grow your business.  There are a number of important trends that many companies will take advantage of to reduce risks, gain more customers and reduce costs.

Here is What to Watch for 2014 IT Trends:

IT Security

IT Security will continue as one of the top areas of concern for most business owners when they think about technology in 2014.  IT Security tops the short list of 2014 IT Trends and is driven by cyber security threat, concerns over privacy data issues and security risks related to mobile computing (e.g. Mobile Device theft/loss, virus and malware infection).

Cloud Computing

Most companies have adopted some form of cloud based technologies within their business.  File sharing/cloud sharing services, remote backup and disaster recovery all fuel the need for robust networking and highly available Internet connectivity.  With the retirement of Windows XP anticipated in April of 2014, many companies will turn to the cloud for modernized office productivity solutions, including virtual desktops and hosted email.

Mobile Applications & Touch Technologies

The latest release of Windows 8.1 relies heavily on a Touch user interface.  Many technology consumers are familiar with touch technologies on their smartphones and tablet computers.  Demand for these devices is expected to be strong.  Many manufacturers are launching an array of touch enabled laptops, convertible computers and tablet computers that are touch enabled.  This shift toward mobility in the workforce will also drive demand for companies to add mobile applications, functionality to new and legacy applications to better connect with customers, partners and employees in the field.

These 2014 technology trends will help companies meet their goals for company growth, efficiency and cost savings.  It is important at this time of year to properly plan your IT budgets and update your technology roadmap for 2014.  Contact your IT Service Provider for assistance to ensure a

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